Name - Saulius
Character name - Walkeris
Age - 13, will be 14 in this month.
Location - Lithuania.
Language - Lithuanian, English, and a very little bit of german.
Level - 107.
Nation - Procyon.
Honor Rank - 5.
My equipment - All sig armors, no +, sig katana +1, sig orb and eof +6.
Accesories - x3 right of fighter +6, and 1 +7, amulet of bless +3, x2 adept bracelets +1, x2 earring of bless +1. ( Yeah, worst equipment ever ^^ )
Also have a bike +4, and a pet lvl 1 with attack rate + 60.
My goals in game - Do lots of dungeons, make some good friends, and get geared well, so i could be atleast something in pvp and war.
Premium account - No.
TeamSpeak - No.
I dont have any other characters in any server.
I play it ~6 months, but i had a huge break.
Im not crafting anything, havent even experienced it.
I dont have any friends in Azure, but maybe ill make some ^^
I havent been in any other guild.
I were banned once. When When i camed back, i asked gm why ive got banned, he told me that someone hacked into it and started to make that buy alz stuff.
For now, most of time ill be afk, because i need some skill points from dummies. Normally i would be 4+ hours a day.
I agree with all rules of this guild.
I expect from Azure teamwork and friendly people.
I want to join Azure, because i like great teamwork, chatting, and just travelling with other guild members